Dear Friends, 

I wanted to share with you the heartbreaking situation we are facing in Nepal. After three days and nights of continuous rain, floods and landslides have devastated the country, leaving hundreds of thousands of families without hope. Floodwaters have destroyed roads and completely wiped out many cities, including one of our partner churches.

In Kathmandu alone, just 2 kilometers from my home, 72 people lost their lives. I visited the affected area today with 15 relief packages, but I couldn’t distribute them. Why? Because every family is equally in desperate need. I saw their food swept away, clothes floating, and homes sinking in up to 10 feet of water. Many have nowhere to sleep.

What’s even more tragic is that the government has yet to step in to help these families. When I spoke to the people there, I couldn’t even take photos as they cried, overwhelmed with loss.

Dear Friends, seeing their suffering firsthand, God provided us US$ 750 from friends and prayer partners, but it’s not nearly enough. 

Please join us in prayer for God to miraculously provide the resources we need to help as many families as possible. If you are able, would you also consider supporting financially?

Soon, we want to go there with 200 warm blankets and 200 food packs to help the entire village, but we can’t do it with all we have. Below is the list of items we want to help victim families and their costs.

• Each blanket costs US$14 (average quality).

• We need US$ 2,800 for 200 blankets.

• Each food relief pack costs US$40.

• We need US$8,000 to meet the need.

This Emergency Relief pack will offer hope and a new start to 200 families during this disaster. Friends, I’ve included some pictures below. Please share with others, if God leads them, they could also join in helping these families who are suffering now.

Thank you for your prayers and support.